Press Kit

The Kerecis press kit includes resources and Kerecis brand assets for reporters and publishers covering Kerecis.

Image Bank


Video content: Interviews, patient stories and more

Kerecis Fish-Skin Technology Explained - The Healing Power of Nature

Information about the Kerecis Fish-Skin Technology.

Fish-skin helps save a fisherman from amputation

Chester Kitt is a 70- year–old fisherman and motorcycle enthusiast from Marysville Seattle. He was at risk of having his foot amputated due to a wound that wouldn’t heal. However, after numerous attempts to close the wound, a solution was finally found with Kerecis fish-skin.

Kerecis featured on Amazon PrimeVideo

Kerecis was featured on Amazon @PrimeVideo’s TV series Now Go Build!! 

During this episode, Werner Vogels, the CTO and VP of Amazon came to visit us at our MedTech facilities in Isafjordur – where he met with Kerecis founder and CEO Fertram. 


Media Inquiries

For any media-related questions or interview requests, please reach out to our Director of Communications and Digital, Kristinn Gilsdorf.