On 28 November, Kerecis announced the Aurora Awards Case Study Competition. Close to twenty case series describing treatment with the Kerecis Omega3 Wound were submitted. They were subsequently blindly reviewed by an external committee which has now handed in its verdict.
The two contest winners who will receive an educational grant to present their successes at the Northern Lights Wound Workshop in Iceland on March 7-8 2019 are:
Bryan Folkers D.O. FACOS – Plastic Surgery, Iowa: Five unique surgical case studies on the use of Kerecis immediately post debridement, following application technique and wound closure of all wounds using up to six graft applications
Lisa Jeffers CRNP, CWS – Nurse Practioner, Maryland: Case series on atypical wounds with the focus on use of Kerecis to provide dermal regeneration for exposed bone
In addition, Kerecis is awarding twelve educational grants in order to submit and present the case series at a US national or regional conference in 2019. The grant consists of a $700 honorarium plus flight and two hotel nights.
The recipients of these 12 educational grants are:
We would like to thank all those that participated in the competition.